Monday, May 23, 2011

"Remember Rwanda"

"Remember Rwanda"

       “Remember Rwanda” depicts how Earth turned its back on Rwanda at the time when it needed help the most. This image really stuck out to me for several reasons. It mainly grabbed me because of the faces of the Rwandan people in the background. It really pulled at my heart and made me realize just how much those people needed us but never received the help that they needed. The fact that we could have saved those people if we had intervened just really makes me sad. Another thing about this drawing that really grabs me is all of the skulls. The thought that all of those skulls used to be living people hit me really hard. It’s shocking how what used to be individual people has been reduced to just bones. It’s also difficult to think about how the families of those people have to live without them, or of they’re even alive either. It made me realize how hard it must have been for the survivors of the genocide. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to lose your entire family. It’s even harder for me to imagine what it would be like to have almost my entire ethnic group murdered and have to live with that. Everything about this drawing really pulls at my heart.

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